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Welcome to GAATO

The Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organizations

GAATO is a non-profit association of legally established
membership organisations furthering AT around the world.
An image of colourful coding.
An image of Alex Lewis who is a qualdruple amputee sat in his wheelchair while an engineer fits a prosthetic arm.
We Believe

In a world where all people can access the

assistive technology they need.

An image of a young girl from Southern Africa walking with crutches while an adult smiles at her.
A young woman sitting in her manual wheelchair outside with pine trees behind her.
What We Do

Working together to further the provision of quality assistive products and rehabilitation services around the world.

Two ladies wearing speactacles smiling.


Click the logos to visit member sites or to learn more visit the members page.

AAATE Association for the advancement of assistive technology in Europe
AATA Asociación Argentina de Tecnologia Asistiva
ARATA - Australian Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Association
ATIA - Assistive Technology Industry Association
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IAAT - Indian Association of Assistive Technologists
RESJA - Rehabilitation Engineering Society of Japan
RESKO - Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of Korea
RESNA - Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America
TREATS - Taiwan Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society
Raising the Floor
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