Side Events 24 September – 2 October 2020.
AGENDA: Assistive Technologies 28 September 2020

Assistive Technologies for People with Disability: Education
This session will address specific issues and challenges related to education for people with disabilities and the applied use of assistive technologies.
During the past decade research has demonstrated that Assistive Technology (AT) are powerful tools to increase independence and improve participation in education, employment and access to the community for people with disabilities. AT are products, equipment and systems, which include both high-end and low-end devices, apps and technologies. Despite their potential, the WHO has identified that only 10% of people in need of AT products have access to them. Although AT provision varies across countries, the intent to support people with disabilities should be a global priority with a focus to remove barriers and provide facilitators such as AT.
These goals are consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as Goal 1 (No Poverty); Goal 2 (Good Health and Well Being); Goal 4 (Quality Education); Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and Goal 17 (Partnerships). For the purpose of these sessions we will focus on SDG1, SDG2 and SDG4 and SDG10. People with disabilities may lack access to basic education, which can limit their chances to obtain meaningful employment as adults. Globally the employment rates of people with disabilities is significantly lower than their non-disabled peers.
These sessions will draw together interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral stakeholders from research, industry, user groups to exchange current technological, research and policy developments in education. Stakeholders with a vast range of expertise and experience will identify the challenges of translating research and products into practice as well as discussing strategies and sharing best practices to support design and development of AT tools.
Session 1
The State of the Art of Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities in Educational Settings
Please register for this event here:
11-11.20 (BST)
12-12.20 (CEST)
Dr. Geraldine Leader
Introduction to Assistive Technology for People with Disability.
National University of Ireland, Galway, IRE
11.20-11.40 (BST)
12.20-12.40 (CEST)
Speaker 1: Professor Sarah Parsons University of Southampton, UK
Title: Voices, participation and capabilities: rethinking the role of technologies for inclusive education.
12.40-13.00 (CEST)
Speaker 2: Mr Stephen Howell, University College Dublin, IRE
Title: Empowering everyone to develop with Assistive Technology.
12noon-12.20 (BST)
13-13.20 (CEST)
Speaker 3: Dr Mick Donegan, SpecialEffect, UK
Title: Using Telepresent Robots in the classroom – the educational and social impact for children with an immune deficiency.
12.20-12.40 (BST)
13.20-13.40 (CEST)
Speaker 4: Mr Luis Perez De La Maza, AUCAVI, SPAIN
Title: Why technology plays a key role for people with disability in the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. A teacher's perspective.
12.40-13.00 (BST)
13.40-14.00 (CEST)
Dr Nigel Newbutt, University of the West of England, UK
Wrap up and Q and A
To find out more about this event:

Session 2
The State of the Art of Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities in Employment Settings
This session will address specific issues and challenges related to employment for people with disabilities and the use of assistive technologies to promote diversity, inclusivity and workplace success.
Research has demonstrated that Assistive Technology (AT) are powerful tools to improve independence, employment and community participation among people with disabilities. AT, including both high-end and low-end devices, equipment and systems, apps and other products. While AT could be useful in improving the life of people with disabilities, the WHO identified that only 10% of the population in need of AT products had access to them. Although AT provision varies across countries, the intent to support people with disabilities should be a global priority with a focus to remove barriers and provide facilitators in independent living and employment.
Globally, the employment rates of people with disabilities is significantly lower than their peers without disabilities. In addition to the socio-economic implications, social exclusion impacts negatively on self-esteem, mental health and wellbeing. People with disabilities encounter many barriers as they try to obtain and sustain meaningful and gainful employment. Promoting employment and independence through the use of AT in collaboration among stakeholders will have significant impacts on the quality of life of people with disabilities. These will help address some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as Goal 1 (No Poverty); Goal 2 (Good Health and Well Being); Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and Goal 17 (Partnerships).
In this session, we will focus on SDG1, SDG2, SDG10, and SDG17. Specifically, we will draw together interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral stakeholders from research, industry, other stakeholder groups to exchange current technological, research and policy developments especially in the context of employment. Stakeholders with a vast range of expertise and experience will identify the challenges of translating research and products into practice as well as discussing strategies and sharing best practices to support design and development of AT tools for use in employment context.
Please register for this event here:
13.00-13.20 (BST)
14.00-14.20 (CEST)
8.00-8.20 (EST)
Mr Gerardo Herrera Gutiérrez, University of Valencia
Title: The State of the Art of Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities in Employment Settings.
13.20-13.40 (BST)
14.20-14.40 (CEST)
8.20-8.40 (EST)
Speaker 1: Dr Hung Jen Kuo, Michigan State University
Title: Assistive Technology and Abandonment: Beyond Functionality.
13.40-14:00 (BST)
14.40-15.00 (CEST)
8.40-9.00 (EST)
Speaker 2: Anjali Forber-Pratt, Vanderbilt University
Title: Disability in the Workplace: Stories, Lessons & Research.
14.00-14.20 (BST)
15.00-15.20 (CEST)
9.00-9.20 (EST)
Speaker 3: Ms Jo Sinha, Peckham Inc.
14.20-14.40 (BST)
15.20-15.40 (CEST)
9.20-9.40 (EST)
Speaker 4: Laura Humm/Dr Matthew Smith/Chris Steacy, SIMmersion
Title: Combining Technology, Research, and Stakeholder-Input in the Design, Development, and Evaluation of Simulated Conversation Tools.
14.40-15.00 (BST)
15.40-16.00 (CEST)
9.40-10.00 (EST)
Dr Connie Sung, Michigan State University
Title: Moving Forward: The Future of Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities.
To find out more about this event: